My core research focuses on econometric theory, with a strong focus on its applications in labor economics. Notwithstanding, I have also produced analysis about education, housing, minimum wage, electric mobility, and Portuguese and European politics.
Working Papers
- Mind the Gap: How Coworkers Shape Team Composition (paper); with Jaime Montana and Joana Silva.
- RPackage
github link.
- RPackage
- Gelbach in logit: a covariate decomposition for the logit model applied to the minimum wage’s heterogeneous impact (master thesis); supervised by Pedro Raposo.
- Award: European Evaluation Society best master thesis, 2nd place (social media, website).
- RPackage
github link.
Ongoing Research
- discordAR: An App that Measures Political Proximity Between Portuguese Parties (In Portuguese: app and article); with Sebastião Fonte.
- Competition or Backlash? How Political Dynamics Shapes the SGDs Agenda; with with Ricardo Ferreira Reis and Sebastião Fonte.
- SDG Policy Observatory: Track EU Parliamentary Record; with with Ricardo Ferreira Reis and Sebastião Fonte.
- Political Polarization in Portugal and some other Political Facts (presentation); with Sebastião Fonte.
Analysis and Articles
- Renting in Portugal Has Become Unaffordable (in Portuguese: article)
- Media: research disseminated and graphs replicated by the newspaper Expresso (web and paper versions); radio interview to Renascença (spotify link).
- Discussion: most popular article of the day in r/portugal (web link).
- The Decrease of Teachers’ Wages (in Portuguese: article); with Mafalda Gouveia.
- Are Bloco de Esquerda and Initiativa Liberal Similar in Civil Liberties? (in Portuguese: article); with Sebastião Fonte.
- MFA (with Ricardo Ferreira Reis and Sebastião Fonte).
Projects at PROSPER Research Center
As a Research Fellow at PROSPER, I’ve collaborated on several different projects funded by several institutions. Here is a list of some of them:
- PROSPER Portuguese Linked Employer Employee Microdata Manual.
- RPackage
github link.
- RPackage
- The Burden of the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Portugal (paper).
- Electric Mobility in Portugal: where are we and where are we heading? (in Portuguese: report, presentation, newsletters 1 and 2).
- The returns of vocational education in Portugal (paper).
- The Portuguese Economy (presentation).
- Employment and Social Inclusion: Evaluability of Policies Co-financed by European Funds (in Portuguese: research deliverables dossier 1 and 2).